Spell Collection: Wizard

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Astral Projection

Astral Projection

You and up to eight willing creatures within range project your astral bodies into the Astral Plane (the spell fails and the casting is wasted if you are already on... read on


You touch a willing creature and bestow a limited ability to see into the immediate future. For the duration, the target can’t be surprised and has advantage on attack rolls,... read on


You conjure a portal linking an unoccupied space you can see within range to a precise location on a different plane of existence. The portal is a circular opening, which... read on


You create a magical restraint to hold a creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or be bound by the spell;... read on
Meteor Swarm

Meteor Swarm

Blazing orbs of fire plummet to the ground at four different points you can see within range. Each creature in a 40-foot-radius sphere centered on each point you choose must... read on
Power Word Kill

Power Word Kill

You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can see within range to die instantly. If the creature you choose has 100 hit points or fewer,... read on
Prismatic Wall

Prismatic Wall

A shimmering, multicolored plane of light forms a vertical opaque wall–up to 90 feet long, 30 feet high, and 1 inch thick–centered on a point you can see within range.... read on


You assume the form of a different creature for the duration. The new form can be of any creature with a challenge rating equal to your level or lower. The... read on
Time Stop

Time Stop

You briefly stop the flow of time for everyone but yourself. No time passes for other creatures, while you take 1d4 + 1 turns in a row, during which you... read on
True Polymorph

True Polymorph

Choose one creature or nonmagical object that you can see within range. You transform the creature into a different creature, the creature into an object, or the object into a... read on


Drawing on the deepest fears of a group of creatures, you create illusory creatures in their minds, visible only to them. Each creature in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on a... read on


Wish is the mightiest spell a mortal creature can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter the very foundations of reality in accord with your desires. The basic use... read on
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