Violet Fungus

Violet Fungus

Medium plant, unaligned

Challenge Rating
50 XP

Within the dark and damp recesses of the world, the Violet Fungus lurks as a strange and dangerous creature. It stands out amidst the fungal growths with its vivid violet cap and eerie luminescence. However, beneath its striking appearance lies a deadly menace that spells doom for unsuspecting adventurers.

The Violet Fungus resembles a large mushroom with a thick stalk and a broad, frilled cap. Its cap emits a faint violet glow, illuminating the surrounding area and casting an otherworldly aura. Numerous tentacle-like stalks hang down from the underside of the cap, each ending in a razor-sharp, poisonous spore.

As an immobile creature, the Violet Fungus relies on its unique hunting method to secure its prey. It lures unsuspecting creatures closer with its faint luminescence, appearing harmless or intriguing. Once within reach, it extends its tentacle-like stalks, striking with surprising speed to deliver paralyzing blows. The spores it releases upon contact cause numbing pain and muscle paralysis, leaving victims vulnerable to its subsequent attacks.

While lacking in physical mobility, the Violet Fungus compensates with its natural defenses. It possesses a resilient fungal composition, rendering it resistant to many forms of physical harm. Cutting or slashing attacks are less effective against its fibrous structure, requiring more creative methods to neutralize the creature. Additionally, it can release clouds of toxic spores as a last resort, ensuring that those who threaten its existence suffer the consequences.

Encountering a Violet Fungus is to face a deceptively beautiful but deadly adversary. Its presence exudes an aura of eerie luminescence and the lingering threat of paralysis. Engaging with a Violet Fungus requires caution, keen observation, and a careful balance between avoiding its deadly spores and finding a way to incapacitate or destroy it. Only the most vigilant and resourceful adventurers can hope to emerge from such encounters unscathed.

Violet Fungi bring a touch of eerie beauty and the lurking dangers of the natural world to the tapestry of the world. They serve as reminders of the hidden perils in unexplored regions, as well as the unique adaptations of creatures that thrive in darkness. Whether encountered as treacherous guardians of forgotten tombs, unexpected hazards in fungal-infested caverns, or as curious entities that draw unsuspecting victims to their doom, Violet Fungi add a sense of haunting allure, paralyzing danger, and the unsettling presence of an insidious hunter to the realms of adventure and exploration.

Special Abilities

False Appearance

While the violet fungus remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary fungus.


  • Multiattack: The fungus makes 1d4 Rotting Touch attacks.
  • Rotting Touch: Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d8) necrotic damage.


The Stream

Armor Class: 5 (DEX)
Hit Points: 18 (4d8)
Speed: 5 ft. (walk)
Condition Immunities: Blinded, Blinded, Frightened


  • Passive Perception: 6
  • Blindsight: 30′ (blind beyond this radius)
Environment: Underdark

Credits: SRD 5.1