

Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Challenge Rating
25 XP

In the realms of high society and regal courts, the Noble stands as an esteemed figure. With their refined manners, noble lineage, and influential connections, Nobles embody privilege, power, and the responsibilities that come with their elevated status.

Nobles are typically born into noble families, inheriting titles, lands, and wealth. They are well-educated in the arts, sciences, and courtly traditions, making them well-rounded individuals with a wide range of skills and knowledge. Their upbringing often includes training in diplomacy, etiquette, and political maneuvering, equipping them to navigate the intricate web of social interactions and maintain their family’s reputation.

The appearance of a Noble reflects their elevated status. They dress in lavish attire, adorned with fine fabrics, jewelry, and accessories that symbolize their wealth and influence. Nobles often carry themselves with an air of confidence and authority, their posture and demeanor exuding a sense of refinement and grace.

Nobles wield significant influence within their realms. They hold sway over land and resources, making them vital players in matters of governance, politics, and economics. Their connections to other influential individuals and noble families allow them to exert their power and shape the direction of society. Nobles are often seen as leaders and patrons, supporting the arts, sponsoring adventurers, and providing aid to those in need.

While some Nobles may be benevolent and use their power for the betterment of their communities, others may abuse their authority and exploit their subjects. The motivations and actions of Nobles can vary widely, depending on their individual characteristics, family history, and personal ambitions. Regardless, Nobles hold a position of privilege and responsibility, with their actions impacting the lives of those around them.

Encountering a Noble is to interact with an individual who embodies the complexities of power, influence, and societal expectations. Their presence can open doors to opportunities, as they possess connections and resources that can aid adventurers in their quests. However, navigating the intricate dynamics of noble courts can also be treacherous, as conflicting interests, rivalries, and hidden agendas often lurk beneath the surface.

Nobles add depth and richness to the tapestry of society and politics. They bring a sense of hierarchy, tradition, and sophistication to the realms of adventure and exploration. Whether encountered as allies, adversaries, or sources of quests and intrigue, Nobles provide opportunities for role-playing and immerse players in the intricate web of high society.


  • Rapier: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.


  • Parry: The noble adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the noble must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.


The Stream

Armor Class: 15 (armor: Breastplate)
Hit Points: 9 (2d8)
Speed: 30 ft. (walk)


  • Skill: Deception +5
  • Skill: Insight +4
  • Skill: Persuasion +5


  • Passive Perception: 12
Languages: any two languages
Environment: Urban

Credits: SRD 5.1