Hunter Shark

Shark, Hunter

Large beast, unaligned

Challenge Rating
450 XP

The hunter shark is a large and formidable aquatic predator that lurks in the depths of the ocean. With sleek and powerful bodies, they are designed for swift and agile movements, allowing them to chase down their prey with remarkable speed.

Hunter sharks possess a dark gray or blue-gray coloration, blending in with the shadows of the deep sea. They have a streamlined shape with a pointed snout and rows of sharp teeth, perfectly suited for tearing through flesh. Their keen senses, particularly their exceptional sense of smell, enable them to track prey over long distances.

These sharks are known for their relentless hunting instincts and their ability to detect even the faintest traces of blood in the water. Once they locate a potential meal, they strike with lightning speed, using their powerful jaws to deliver a devastating bite. Their sharp teeth and strong bite force can inflict significant damage on their prey, making them fearsome adversaries.

Hunter sharks are solitary creatures and are most commonly found in the open ocean or along coastlines. They are opportunistic hunters, targeting a wide range of marine creatures such as fish, seals, and even smaller sharks. Their relentless pursuit and efficient hunting tactics make them apex predators within their marine habitats.

Encountering a hunter shark in its natural environment can be perilous for adventurers or unsuspecting sailors. Their aggressive nature and powerful attacks make them a force to be reckoned with. However, some coastal communities have found ways to coexist with these creatures, respecting their territory and understanding the delicate balance of the marine ecosystem.

Beware the deep waters where the hunter shark roams, for its presence is a reminder of the unforgiving nature of the sea and the primal instinct of survival that drives these majestic predators.

Special Abilities

Blood Frenzy

The shark has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn’t have all its hit points.

Water Breathing

The shark can breathe only underwater.


  • Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage.


The Stream

Armor Class: 12 (DEX)
Hit Points: 45 (6d10+12)
Speed: 40 ft. (swim)
Proficiency Bonus: +2


  • Skill: Perception +2


  • Passive Perception: 12
  • Darkvision: 30′
Environment: Underwater

Credits: SRD 5.1