Gear & Artifacts

gsi 16 01 33 wed jan 2024 102372.jpg

Belt of Giant Strength

Wondrous Item

While wearing this belt, your Strength score changes to a score granted by the belt. If your Strength is already equal to or greater than the belt’s score, the item... read on
gsi 17 01 17 wed jan 2024 37064.jpg

Belt of Hill Giant Strength

Wondrous Item

While wearing this belt, your Strength score changes to a 21. If your Strength is already equal to or greater than the belt’s score, the item has no Effect on... read on
gsi 17 01 58 wed jan 2024 889493.jpg

Belt of Stone Giant Strength

Wondrous Item

While wearing this belt, your Strength score changes to a 23. If your Strength is already equal to or greater than the belt’s score, the item has no Effect on... read on
gsi 17 01 47 wed jan 2024 111268.jpg

Belt of Storm Giant Strength

Wondrous Item

While wearing this belt, your Strength score changes to 29. If your Strength is already equal to or greater than the belt’s score, the item has no Effect on you.
gsi 17 01 55 wed jan 2024 899060.jpg

Berserker Axe

Magical Weapon

You gain a +1 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls made with this Magic Weapon. In addition, while you are attuned to this weapon, your Hit Points maximum increases by... read on
Bird Feather Token

Bird Feather Token

Wondrous Item

This tiny object looks like a feather. You can use an action to toss the token 5 feet into the air. The token disappears and an enormous, multicolored bird takes... read on
gsi 16 01 05 wed jan 2024 92981.jpg

Bit and bridle

Mounts and Vehicles, Tack, Harness, or Drawn Vehicle

Essential horse-riding gear for control and guidance of your trusty steed.
gsi 16 01 57 fri jan 2024 994275.jpg

Black Dragon Scale Mail

Armor, Medium Armor, Magical Armor

Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of a black dragon. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve... read on
gsi 17 01 08 wed jan 2024 590548.jpg


Adventuring Gear, Standard Gear

A warm covering for comfort during rest, whether for yourself or your companions.
gsi 17 01 11 wed jan 2024 838187.jpg

Block and tackle

Adventuring Gear, Standard Gear

A set of pulleys with a cable threaded through them and a hook to attach to objects, a block and tackle allows you to hoist up to four times the... read on
gsi 17 01 11 wed jan 2024 169218.jpg

Block of incense

Adventuring Gear, Standard Gear

A block of incense, typically found in a priest’s pack.
gsi 17 01 26 wed jan 2024 130819.jpg


Weapon, Martial Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon, Ranged Weapon

A ranged weapon that propels small darts silently through the air.
gsi 17 01 30 wed jan 2024 329462.jpg

Blowgun needle, bundle of 50


Ammo for your blowgun, these needles are designed for stealthy attacks.
gsi 16 01 19 fri jan 2024 153777.jpg

Blue Dragon Scale Mail

Armor, Medium Armor, Magical Armor

Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of a blue dragon. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve... read on
gsi 17 01 38 wed jan 2024 353407.jpg


Adventuring Gear, Standard Gear

A book might contain poetry, historical accounts, information pertaining to a particular field of lore, diagrams and notes on gnomish contraptions, or just about anything else that can be represented... read on
gsi 17 01 13 wed jan 2024 925059.jpg

Boots of Elvenkind

Wondrous Item

While you wear these boots, your steps make no sound, regardless of the surface you are moving across. You also have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on moving... read on
gsi 17 01 33 wed jan 2024 411979.jpg

Boots of Levitation

Wondrous Item

While you wear these boots, you can use an action to cast the levitate spell on yourself at will.
gsi 17 01 42 wed jan 2024 431159.jpg

Boots of Speed

Wondrous Item

While you wear these boots, you can use a bonus action and click the boots’ heels together. If you do, the boots double your walking speed, and any creature that... read on
gsi 17 01 17 wed jan 2024 784592.jpg

Boots of Striding and Springing

Wondrous Item

While you wear these boots, your walking speed becomes 30 feet, unless your walking speed is higher, and your speed isn’t reduced if you are encumbered or wearing heavy armor.... read on
gsi 17 01 09 wed jan 2024 150520.jpg

Boots of the Winterlands

Wondrous Item

These furred boots are snug and feel quite warm. While you wear them, you gain the following benefits: You have resistance to cold damage. You ignore difficult terrain created by... read on
gsi 17 01 57 wed jan 2024 89278.jpg

Bottle, glass

Adventuring Gear, Standard Gear

A fragile glass container, useful for storing liquids or potions.
gsi 17 01 25 wed jan 2024 735850.jpg

Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals

Wondrous Item

While this bowl is filled with water, you can use an action to speak the bowl’s command word and summon a water elemental, as if you had cast the conjure... read on
gsi 17 01 34 wed jan 2024 781798.jpg

Bracers of Archery

Wondrous Item

While wearing these bracers, you have proficiency with the longbow and shortbow, and you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls on ranged attacks made with such weapons.
gsi 17 01 25 wed jan 2024 825740.jpg

Bracers of Defense

Magical Armor, Wondrous Item

While wearing these bracers, you gain a +2 bonus to AC if you are wearing no armor and using no shield.
gsi 16 01 53 fri jan 2024 880940.jpg

Brass Dragon Scale Mail

Armor, Medium Armor, Magical Armor

Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of a brass dragon. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve... read on
gsi 23 01 24 fri jan 2024 647637.jpg

Brass Horn of Valhalla

Wondrous Item

You can use an action to blow this horn. In response, 3d4 + 3 warrior spirits from the Valhalla appear within 60 feet of you. They use the statistics of... read on
gsi 17 01 03 wed jan 2024 568943.jpg

Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals

Wondrous Item

While a fire burns in this brass brazier, you can use an action to speak the brazier’s command word and summon a fire elemental, as if you had cast the... read on
gsi 17 01 42 wed jan 2024 187486.jpg


Armor, Medium Armor

A versatile armor piece, offering a balance of protection and mobility.
gsi 17 01 30 wed jan 2024 56074.jpg

Brewer's Supplies

Tool, Other Tool

Tools for crafting and fermenting beverages, perfect for aspiring brewers. Proficiency with a set of artisan’s tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make using... read on
gsi 16 01 06 fri jan 2024 245511.jpg

Bronze Dragon Scale Mail

Armor, Medium Armor, Magical Armor

Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of a bronze dragon. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve... read on
Bronze Griffon Figurine

Bronze Griffon Figurine of Wondrous Power

Wondrous Item

A figurine of wondrous power is a statuette of a beast small enough to fit in a pocket. If you use an action to speak the command word and throw... read on
gsi 23 01 28 fri jan 2024 909905.jpg

Bronze Horn of Valhalla

Wondrous Item

You can use an action to blow this horn. In response, 4d4 + 4 warrior spirits from the Valhalla appear within 60 feet of you. They use the statistics of... read on
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Adventuring Gear

A non-precious brooch, usually used to signify association with a clan or group, or to indicate a position of authority.
gsi 17 01 56 wed jan 2024 897566.jpg

Brooch of Shielding

Wondrous Item

While wearing this brooch, you have resistance to force damage, and you have immunity to damage from the magic missile spell.
gsi 17 01 16 wed jan 2024 168109.jpg

Broom of Flying

Wondrous Item

This wooden broom functions like a mundane broom until you stand astride it and speak its command word. It then hovers beneath you and can be ridden in the air.... read on
gsi 17 01 53 wed jan 2024 407997.jpg


Adventuring Gear, Standard Gear

A simple wooden container with a handle, suitable for carrying water or other materials.
Burglers Pack

Burglar's Pack

Equipment Pack

A kit tailored for stealthy activities and covert operations.
gsi 18 01 59 wed jan 2024 359481.jpg

Calligrapher's Supplies

Tool, Artisan's Tool

Tools for elegant writing and creating artistic scripts and documents. Proficiency with a set of artisan’s tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make using... read on
gsi 22 01 58 wed jan 2024 502667.jpg

Caltrops, bag of 50

Adventuring Gear, Ammunition

Small spiked objects used to hinder movement and slow down pursuers. As an action, you can spread a bag of caltrops to cover a square area that is 5 feet... read on
gsi 22 01 02 wed jan 2024 825683.jpg


Mount or Other Animal, Mounts and Vehicles

A sturdy desert beast of burden, capable of carrying heavy loads across arid terrain.
gsi 22 01 36 wed jan 2024 894251.jpg


Adventuring Gear, Standard Gear

A wax candle that provides a limited source of illumination and can be used for various purposes. For 1 hour, a candle sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and... read on
gsi 22 01 18 wed jan 2024 5582861

Candle of Invocation

Wondrous Item

This slender taper is dedicated to a deity and shares that deity’s alignment. The candle’s alignment can be detected with the detect evil and good spell. The GM chooses the... read on
gsi 22 01 01 wed jan 2024 774939

Canvas, 1 sq. yd.

Trade Good

A square yard of durable fabric, suitable for sails, tents, or creating makeshift items.
gsi 22 01 15 wed jan 2024 315344.jpg

Cape of the Mountebank

Wondrous Item

This cape smells faintly of brimstone. While wearing it, you can use it to cast the dimension door spell as an action. This property of the cape can’t be used... read on
gsi 22 01 45 wed jan 2024 230985.jpg

Carpenter's Tools

Tool, Artisan's Tool

Implements for woodworking and construction, essential for crafting wooden items. Proficiency with a set of artisan’s tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make using... read on
gsi 22 01 43 wed jan 2024 103942.jpg

Carpet of Flying

Wondrous Item

You can speak the carpet’s command word as an action to make the carpet hover and fly. It moves according to your spoken directions, provided that you are within 30... read on
gsi 22 01 12 wed jan 2024 551991

Carpet of Flying (3 ft. × 5 ft.)

Wondrous Item

You can speak the carpet’s command word as an action to make the carpet hover and fly. It moves according to your spoken directions, provided that you are within 30... read on
gsi 22 01 33 wed jan 2024 4067311

Carpet of Flying (4 ft. × 6 ft.)

Wondrous Item

You can speak the carpet’s command word as an action to make the carpet hover and fly. It moves according to your spoken directions, provided that you are within 30... read on
gsi 22 01 05 wed jan 2024 495923.jpg

Carpet of Flying (5 ft. × 7 ft.)

Wondrous Item

You can speak the carpet’s command word as an action to make the carpet hover and fly. It moves according to your spoken directions, provided that you are within 30... read on
gsi 22 01 30 wed jan 2024 3036921

Carpet of Flying (6 ft. × 9 ft.)

Wondrous Item

You can speak the carpet’s command word as an action to make the carpet hover and fly. It moves according to your spoken directions, provided that you are within 30... read on
gsi 23 01 40 wed jan 2024 3268231


Land Vehicle, Mounts and Vehicles, Tack, Harness, or Drawn Vehicle

A four-wheeled vehicle designed for comfort and transportation, often drawn by horses.
gsi 23 01 22 wed jan 2024 623023.jpg


Land Vehicle, Mounts and Vehicles, Tack, Harness, or Drawn Vehicle

A two-wheeled vehicle used for carrying goods and supplies over short distances.
gsi 23 01 44 wed jan 2024 671940.jpg

Cartographer's Tools

Artisan's Tool, Tool

Instruments for mapping and charting terrain, useful for explorers and cartographers. Proficiency with a set of artisan’s tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make... read on
gsi 23 01 08 wed jan 2024 7538251

Case, crossbow bolt

Adventuring Gear, Standard Gear, Ammunition

This wooden case can hold up to twenty crossbow bolts.
gsi 23 01 15 wed jan 2024 839577.jpg

Case, map or scroll

Adventuring Gear, Standard Gear

This cylindrical leather case can hold up to ten rolled-up sheets of paper or five rolled-up sheets of parchment.
gsi 23 01 29 wed jan 2024 99994.jpg


Adventuring Gear, Standard Gear

A container for burning incense or other aromatic substances in rituals and ceremonies, typically found in a priest’s pack.
gsi 23 01 36 wed jan 2024 920909.jpg

Censer of Controlling Air Elementals

Wondrous Item

While incense is burning in this censer, you can use an action to speak the censer’s command word and summon an air elemental, as if you had cast the conjure... read on
gsi 23 01 59 wed jan 2024 746338.jpg

Chain (10 feet)

Adventuring Gear, Standard Gear

A chain has 10 hit points. It can be burst with a successful DC 20 Strength check.
gsi 23 01 23 wed jan 2024 472664.jpg

Chain Mail

Armor, Heavy Armor

A type of heavy armor made from interlocking metal rings, offering solid protection.
gsi 23 01 00 wed jan 2024 771655.jpg

Chain Shirt

Armor, Medium Armor

A flexible and lighter armor option, providing reasonable defense without sacrificing mobility.
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Note: some features use AI, are in early development, and won’t always get it right.