
Welcome to the Items documentation section of Game Squire, where the tangible elements of your RPG world come to life. From mystical artifacts to essential gear, Items are the building blocks that add depth, excitement, and functionality to your campaign's narrative.

Accessing Items

Locating Items: Navigate to Reference > Items to discover and manage the vast array of objects that populate your game world. This section serves as a catalog of the various items that players can encounter, use, and treasure.

Item Management for GMs

GM Capabilities: GMs are endowed with the power to shape the game's physical reality. With the 'View All' and 'Add' options, GMs can meticulously curate their game's inventory, adding new items that enhance storytelling and gameplay.

Catalog of Items: All items created or owned by the GM are listed for easy access, each a potential key to unlocking new adventures or solving intricate puzzles.

Item Profiles

Creating New Items: Clicking 'Add' leads GMs to a detailed form where they can either manually create a new item or use the Squire's automated generation for added inspiration.

Viewing Item Details: Selecting an item opens its 'View' mode, offering a comprehensive look at its properties, uses, and the unique lore that sets it apart.

Viewing and Administration

GM Action Bar: The GM's view includes an action bar with options for 'View,' 'Edit,' 'Delete,' 'Add,' and 'View All,' providing full control over the game's physical elements.

Player Interaction with Items

Player Engagement: While players do not have the authority to create or modify items, they interact with them extensively through their characters. The items they acquire can define their journey, equip them for challenges, and contribute to their story’s evolution.

Note: some features use AI, are in early development, and won’t always get it right.